With your Own Eyes自分の目で
I often receive letters from various photographers who ask me one and the same question: “Where do you get such natural and womanish ladies for your photoshoots?”
My answer to this is very simple – look more attentively at those who are near. Look as an artist. Imagine these ladies in your photos from various angles. Certain ladies look absolutely amazing side-on, while others will look perfect in half-turn from the back.
Besides, remember that original photos will be further edited via Photoshop, and such minor things as skin pimples or an extremely long nose shouldn’t bother you at all. Moreover, as an artist, you have to keep in mind the type of your model’s appearance, since each type of appearance fits into its own characters, clothing style, etc.
Leaning on my experience, I can say that almost each lady can be filmed beautifully, if you choose an appropriate character, proper outfits, clothing, filming angle, and emotion. Doing so requires just a bit of effort.
さらに、元の写真は Photoshop でさらに編集されることを覚えておいてください。肌のニキビや非常に長い鼻などの小さなことはまったく気にする必要はありません。さらに、アーティストとしては、モデルの外観のタイプを念頭に置いておかなければなりません。それぞれの外観のタイプは、独自のキャラクターや服装のスタイルなどに適合するためです。
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