Lacy Shadowsレーシーシャドウ
Any photo consists of light and shadows. The best thing a photographer can do is learn to manage them and achieve the desired result.
In my opinion, one of the most beautiful and interesting natural light effects both in portrait, and nude photography is a play of light and shadow produced by sunrays penetrating a lacy fabric (curtains etc.).
To achieve the desired effect when filming indoors, you have to choose the time when sunrays penetrate the window or a balcony door. The window should be covered with a lacy fabric. Besides, it's necessary to have a reflector to balance the light on the model on both sides. It's also important to choose an angle and a pose to make laces lie beautifully on her body.
This effect may be applied to outdoor filming. It can be created, for instance, with the help of a vintage lacy umbrella or a piece of fabric – just like, say, in this photo where the model is hiding from sunrays. Indeed, there are a lot of options. Their implementation is limited only by photographer's fantasy and skills.
私の意見では、ポートレート写真でもヌード写真でも、最も美しく興味深い自然光効果の 1 つは、レースの布地 (カーテンなど) を透過する太陽光線によって生み出される光と影の遊びです。
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