Mutual benefit or Everything for art’s sake相互利益、あるいはすべては芸術のために
Over the years of my work as a photographer, I’ve dealt with numerous models. The reasons why ladies come to me are very different. Some want to take a photo to prove to themselves that they look attractive. Some look for epatage and wish to make an exciting present to their husband or boyfriend, while some seek to start a model’s career or want to have nice photos for Instagram. Another noteworthy fact is that my works are well-known across the globe. Numerous ladies wish to have in the gallery a photo taken by me.
Yes, to some extent, it's a mutual benefit. However, there are people who are indeed keen on art photography and ready to embrace the entire world for the sake of art.
In any case, for my art photo shoots, I only pick out those ladies who I see in my photo characters and stories. Otherwise, I won’t agree to photograph her for all the tea in China.
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