The Magic of Film Photographyフィルム写真の魔法
I believe film photography is eternal. A lot of my photos are film-shot. When running workshops, I recommend my students to sometimes practice with a film camera, if it is possible, as film photography instructs and disciplines. In what way, you will ask?
It’s no secret. When you’re taking film photos, you appreciate each and every shot and will try to think through the details. In this case, it’s impossible to shoot until you come up with an amazing shot, as you’re limited by 24 shots.
Besides, the magic of film photos lies in that very grain, scratches and unique exposure. This produces an impression that there’s more soul in such photos – just like in this film photo shoot made several years ago. Amazing shot, isn’t it?
It’s hard to deny that, no matter how hard we try, it’s extremely difficult, although possible, to achieve this effect in Photoshop. I love film photography, and I believe there are a lot of people like me. Even though digital photography has won, there’s still a space for creative people who will keep taking film-shot photos as well.
それは秘密ではありません。フィルム写真を撮るときは、すべてのショットに感謝し、細部まで考えようとします。この場合、撮影枚数は 24 枚に制限されているため、素晴らしいショットが思いつくまで撮影することはできません。
どんなに努力しても、Photoshop でこの効果を実現するのは可能ではあっても非常に難しいことは否定できません。私はフィルム写真が大好きで、同じような人はたくさんいると思います。デジタル写真が勝利を収めたとはいえ、フィルムで撮影した写真を撮り続けるクリエイティブな人々のためのスペースはまだ残っています。
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