Ukrainian Beautyウクライナの美しさ
Men are very lucky, because they are surrounded by women whose beauty delights and fascinates. For example, Ukrainian girls are a combination of a bright appearance with a strong-willed character, which allows them to be self-confident women.
Ukrainian women are famous for their beauty all over the world, causing delight in many men. For me, as a resident of Ukraine, they are, of course, the closest and native in mentality. It is always easy and simple for me to find a common language with them. The temperament of Ukrainian women is completely different, but all of them are united by natural beauty. Ukrainian girls can be proud of having good parameters, close to Da Vinci's golden ratio. Long slender legs, narrow waist, lush breasts and, of course, a stately posture – all these are the distinctive features of the figures provided by nature to Ukrainian ladies.
Moreover, intelligence, beauty and modesty are still the best accessories for Ukrainian women who have learned to combine work, personal growth, and motherhood, remaining beautiful and well-groomed regardless of the circumstances. That's the Ukrainian beauty.
ウクライナ女性はその美しさで世界中で有名であり、多くの男性を喜ばせています。ウクライナ在住の私にとって、彼らはもちろん精神的に最も近く、土着的な存在です。私にとって、彼らと共通の言語を見つけるのはいつも簡単で簡単です。ウクライナ女性の気質は全く異なりますが、彼女たちは皆、自然の美しさによって統一されています。ウクライナの女の子は、ダ・ヴィンチの黄金比に近い、優れたパラメータを持っていることを誇りに思っています。長くほっそりした脚、くびれたウエスト、豊かな胸、そしてもちろん堂々とした姿勢 - これらすべては、ウクライナの女性に自然から与えられた体型の特徴です。
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