
Preparation is a Priority

When running workshops worldwide, I always give a vivid example of how to work with models. Of course, I might have communication challenges due to language barriers, but it doesn’t stop me from working with the model quietly and confidently. I can easily help her take an appropriate pose, make her show a proper emotion, etc. In this case, the models follow my requirements, and no one has ever rebelled against me touching her, adjusting body parts as I needed, fixing her clothes, hair, etc.

It’s surprising for most photographers, and they often ask me: “David, how do you manage to build trust with people? It looks like you’re working with the model as if she’s your good acquaintance who you’ve known for ages”.

The answer is simple: the model has to see, understand and feel the photographer's confidence in what he’s doing. The photographer should act confidently, without hesitation, yet very delicately, and approach his job with positivity and good mood. In this case, the model will never resist and hinder filming.

If the photographer is inexperienced or non-prepared for the photoshoot, he will be unconfident, which will entail big intervals between the shots, messy suggestions as to poses and necessary angles. The model will get it very quickly; she will come up with her own initiatives and hinder filming. Consequently, the photographer is very unlikely to have good shots.

Conclusion: the photographer has to be well-prepared for the upcoming photoshoot. He has to elaborate all poses, angles, emotions, location, etc. prior to the photoshoot. During the photoshoot, he has to act relatively quickly, precisely and clearly for the model. Besides, he has to remember to encourage the model through giving compliments and showing her some successful original photos...

世界中でワークショップを開催するとき、私はいつもモデルの使い方の鮮やかな例を示します。もちろん、言葉の壁によりコミュニケーションに問題があるかもしれませんが、静かに自信を持ってモデルを操作することを妨げるものではありません。彼女に適切なポーズを取らせたり、適切な感情を表現させたりするのを私は簡単に手伝うことができます。この場合、モデルは私の要求に従っており、私が彼女に触れたり、必要に応じて体の部分を調整したり、彼女の服を直したりすることに誰も反抗しませんでした。 、髪の毛など。




結論: 写真家は次の写真撮影に向けて十分な準備をしておく必要があります。彼は写真撮影の前に、すべてのポーズ、角度、感情、場所などを綿密に練る必要があります。写真撮影中、彼はモデルのために比較的素早く、正確かつ明確に行動しなければなりません。さらに、褒めたり、成功したオリジナル写真を見せたりして、モデルを励ますことも忘れずに行わなければなりません...



© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2025。
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