Scandinavian Women北欧の女性
Scandinavians are in the minds of many cold blondes, restrained in emotions. But a closer acquaintance with them showed how rich and diverse the world of women from the Nordic countries is. Among them are beautiful brunettes, burning and sensual, red-haired girls, with a bright and emotional character. Scandinavians have an expressive appearance, they are charming and sweet.
The main type of appearance of girls from the Scandinavian countries is a blue-eyed blonde. Everyone can dream of such features. It is interesting that the image of the “snow queen”, to which the beautiful Scandinavians so correspond, fits very harmoniously into the surrounding northern nature – severe and majestic.
Again, based on my own experience of communication and shooting, I would characterize them as “ice and fire”. I am very impressed that most girls prefer natural beauty and lead an active lifestyle, which allows them to look young, spectacular and sexy. Photographing them is great pleasure.
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