The Elements of Nude Photographyヌード写真の要素
Today, the Internet is overfilled with photos containing the elements of a naked female body. In most cases, these are very ordinary, even primitive, photos that do not represent any artistic value, do not convey any mood or aesthetics. Since the number of such photos is huge, they do not appeal to viewers and very often are just “flicked through”.
In my opinion, a beautiful erotic photo is first of all a high-quality portrait containing the elements of erotica, which enriches the portrait adding emotions and mood. I believe it’s wrong to try to show naked body parts where it’s unnecessary and often inappropriate.
My experience shows that the most appealing are the photos that give room for the viewer's fantasy, i.e. either a part of the naked body is hidden under the clothes, or the clothes are half-transparent or tight and highlighting the beautiful curves of the body. Such photos almost always awaken the desire to figure out the rest, and at the same time, such photos trigger viewers' emotions and don't leave them indifferent. And this is very important, because, as you know, a good photo is always rich in emotions.
Another advantage lies in the fact that it's much easier for the model to pose dressed, even if there are just a couple of pieces of clothes or the clothes are almost taken off the body, than if she is completely undressed. The models who have very little experience in posing naked are much likelier to agree to pose when they know that they'll be wearing a top or a dress. They don't really care about transparency.
Before deciding on adding nude elements to the photoshoot, you have to make sure they will improve the photo. For instance, if the plot and the overall mood of the photo have to do with philosophy and speculations, nude elements are most likely to be inappropriate and to spoil the photo.
Anyway, there's always room for experiments. If you doubt whether you should add nudity to certain shots, just make a couple of shots with and without nude elements. While selecting and processing the photos, you'll be able to make the right choice.
もう 1 つの利点は、たとえ服が 2 ~ 3 枚しかない場合や、服がほとんど体から脱がれている場合でも、モデルが完全に服を脱いでいる場合よりも服を着てポーズをとるのがはるかに簡単であるという事実にあります。裸でポーズをとる経験がほとんどないモデルは、トップスやドレスを着ることになるとわかっていれば、ポーズに同意する可能性が高くなります。彼らは透明性をあまり気にしません。
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