The Dimples of Venus金星のえくぼ
Sometimes the dimples brighten women’s smiles, and sometimes even women’s bodies. Men have always focused attention on the dimples on the lower back, the so-called dimples of Venus. Somehow, female sexuality is often associated with these dimples, but there’s no reasonable explanation to this. It’s only possible to stipulate that men take the dimples of Venus as a tempting highlight of the female body and sign of natural beauty.
It’s for a reason that the dimples of Venus were named in honor of the goddess of beauty, fertility, physical love and passion. They gave inspiration, caused endless shivers and aesthetic delight in sculptors of various epochs. A lot of amazing sculptures are filled with love to women, to these cute peculiarities of their bodies. Yet, no one can say exactly why it’s these dimples that have become an object of aesthetic delight. Beauty is a relative concept, every person sees it in their own way. Maybe those cute dimples on the lower back keep a special secret which is still unknown. However, we can say exactly that the dimples of Venus skillfully emphasize female nature, her sexuality and beauty.
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