Beautiful Female Body美しい女性の身体
How does your wife feel about you doing this kind of art? This is a question I get asked almost all the time. I will tell you that she is a wise and insightful woman, so she quickly realized that photography for me is a vocation, and that enjoying the view of the female body is not the end in itself of my work.
I understand that there will be those who will scoff at this topic, but I can say for sure that in order to look at a naked girl, now it is not necessary to become a professional photographer, spend years of life working in a fanatical mode, spend almost every day on creative shoots, stay up at night for photo post-processing. A beautiful female body is only the main component of my future picture.
この話題を嘲笑する人がいるのは承知していますが、私が断言できるのは、裸の女の子を見るために、今ではプロの写真家になる必要はなく、何年もかけて狂信的に仕事をする必要はないということです。 、ほぼ毎日クリエイティブな撮影に費やし、写真の後処理のために夜も起きています。美しい女性の体は、私の将来像の主要な要素にすぎません。
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