
40 Minutes for the First Shot

During my subsequent “Ripe cherries” photoshoot, the model, who came from another city and had her first posing experience with me, said: “I often pose to different photographers, I usually take different poses, and photographers simply take a lot of shots from different angles. So, over the first ten minutes, we manage to take a couple of dozens of photos. And you... Before taking the first shot, you’d changed my clothes three times, changed two cherry bowls, moved a couch, removed paintings from the wall, and then you took almost half an hour to fix my hair and my clothes, to ensure an appropriate turn of my hand and a bend of my head. And all this was done for the sake of ONE shot only!”

After the photoshoot, I thought that I often hear such words from many ladies who have their first posing experience with me...

I really cannot take the camera in my hands and take a photo if I don’t see absolute beauty and harmony in the shot. And yes, I’m ready to move the furniture, switch accessories, change clothes, poses, angles, light and a lot more... And all this is for the sake of an absolutely perfect shot – the one where you don’t feel like changing anything. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to photography. That’s hard, indeed! And it’s not for everyone. Yet, when both models, and viewers see the outcomes of such meticulous work, all questions become irrelevant.

その後の「熟したサクランボ」の写真撮影中に、別の都市から来て私と一緒に初めてポーズをとる経験をしたモデルはこう言いました。「私は別の写真家にポーズをとることがよくあります。通常は別のポーズを撮りますが、写真家はただたくさんの写真を撮るだけです」さまざまな角度から。そのため、最初の 10 分間で、なんとか数十枚の写真を撮ることができました。そしてあなたは...最初のショットを撮る前に、あなたは私の服を3回着替え、2つの桜のボウルを交換し、ソファを移動し、壁の絵を取り除き、それから私の髪と服を直すのに30分近くかかりました、手の回転と頭の曲がりを適切に行うためです。そしてこれはすべて、たった一発のショットのために行われたのです!」





© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2025。
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