Inspiration in Photography写真のインスピレーション
Once, when I was a beginning photographer, I came across the works by one globally known photographer David Hamilton, whose works were in those years exhibited in the biggest art galleries in Europe and the USA, and whose books were published in millions of copies.
His photos stand out for a soft focus, light graininess, and the spirit of Neo-Romanticism of the hippie generation. Hamilton's typical model is a very young lady or a teenage girl with long loose hair, almost no makeup, and, to be straightforward, often with almost no clothes. Soft draperies of long dresses, light sandals, refined silhouettes, natural light – all this creates amazingly harmonious images, which turn into the anthem to “the age of innocence” – an ephemeral period of awakening sensuality.
Even though Helmut Newton was criticized for being a "cold-flaming" photographer, his pictures were nevertheless much admired. He surpassed all others as the world's most renowned and influential fashion photographer. The term "Helmut Newton lady" really existed. He never abandoned his unwavering fashion philosophy. According to the works of the photographer, it is possible to notice that he liked tall and healthy girls, well-fed figures, and large backs. He filmed naked girls in high heels, believing that heels emphasize the muscles of the thighs and change the posture and shape of the body.
But even the world's photographers, like David Hamilton or Helmut Newton, have both solid works and, frankly, weak ones. That's why I know and admire many of the photographers' compositions. With some of them, I even tried to copy something when I was just starting out. The photographer's career may go up and down, but no matter what happens, he or she will always establish his or her own unique sense of style, prominence, and significance.
彼の写真は、ソフト フォーカス、軽い粒子感、ヒッピー世代のネオ ロマン主義の精神が際立っています。ハミルトンの典型的なモデルは、非常に若い女性か 10 代の少女で、髪は長くゆるく、化粧はほとんどなく、率直に言うとほとんど服を着ていないことがよくあります。ロングドレスの柔らかなカーテン、軽いサンダル、洗練されたシルエット、自然光、これらすべてが驚くほど調和のとれたイメージを生み出し、官能性が目覚める儚い時期である「無垢の時代」への賛歌となります。
ヘルムート・ニュートンは「冷酷な」写真家だと批判されたにもかかわらず、それでも彼の写真は大いに賞賛されました。彼は世界で最も有名で影響力のあるファッション写真家として他の誰よりも優れています。 「ヘルムート・ニュートン夫人」という言葉は実在した。彼は決して揺るぎないファッション哲学を放棄しませんでした。写真家の作品によると、彼は背が高くて健康的な女の子、栄養のある体型、大きな背中を好んでいたことがわかります。彼は、ヒールが太ももの筋肉を強調し、姿勢や体の形を変えると信じて、ハイヒールを履いた裸の女の子を撮影しました。
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