Location Criteria場所の基準
I have more than one photography workshop in my practice around the world. It contains a part where photographers can ask any questions they have. I have noticed that regardless of the country, most photographers are interested in the question of location selection for a photo shoot.
Every country and city has locations that are great for taking pictures. It all depends on the photographer's preference and the weather conditions. Beautiful photos can be taken in the city streets, in interesting cafés, near beautiful cars, among the wheat, sunflowers, haystacks, or just in the fields with flowers. Also, many ideas for photo shoots can be thought up at the seashore or a body of water if such a location is available.
It's a little more complicated if it's cold, and you have to take pictures indoors. These can be flats or houses, industrial premises, gyms, etc. The choice is limited only by the photographer's imagination. I want to emphasize that there is no unique criterion for choosing a location. The main thing is to create a beautiful shot in any condition.
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