Main Stages of Creating a Photo写真作成の主な段階
“It’s the best job in the world!”, “You’re the happiest person”, “What you do is not work, it’s a pleasure!”, “Each photo shoot is a joy and delight!” – I often hear such words from my followers on social media, but very few people know what it takes to create each of these photos. Today, I’ve prepared for you a checklist for creating a photo that’s worth attention.
First off, I start with the basics – an idea and a plot (I’ll provide more details in the upcoming articles). Afterwards, I visualize final shots conceptualizing them in detail. Then, I proceed to prepare a photo shoot.
The first thing I do when preparing for the photo shoot is look for an appropriate location which I choose depending on the photo shoot idea. This may be an old apartment, a gym, a riverside place or haystacks. This location is supposed to have things I need (a car, a grand piano, jugs, mills, and so on, depending on the plot).
The next stage is a search for an appropriate girl. She has to fit her role and look seamless. Now, I have a huge choice of models, but I used to have certain challenges with this. You can read about it in my previous article called “Relationships between the model and the photographer”. Before filming, we discuss all the details: haircut, makeup, manicure, nudity level, and a lot more.
Then I choose appropriate clothing and outfits. This is my particular focus, as beauty consists of numerous details. All elements should harmoniously complement each other creating the desired effect.
When proceeding to the photo shoot, it’s important to skilfully (in terms of techniques) and properly implement ideas. Believe me, my friends, it’s quite challenging.
And finally, retouch – at times, initial photos come out very successful. In this care, retouching takes just a few minutes. And sometimes, it takes hours to retouch one photo...
And when all these stages are completed and, as I expected, are worth your attention, my dear followers, “it’s the best job in the world!”
「世界で最高の仕事だ!」、「あなたは一番幸せな人だ」、「あなたのやっていることは仕事ではない、喜びだ!」、「毎回の写真撮影は喜びで楽しい!」 – ソーシャルメディアでフォロワーからそのような言葉をよく聞きますが、これらの写真がどのように作成されるかを知っている人はほとんどいません。今日は、注目に値する写真を作成するためのチェックリストを用意しました。
まず、基本的なアイデアとプロットから始めます (今後の記事で詳細を説明します)。その後、詳細に概念化した最終ショットを視覚化します。その後、写真撮影の準備を進めていきます。
そして最後にレタッチですが、場合によっては、最初の写真が非常にうまくいくことがあります。このケアでは、レタッチにかかる時間はわずか数分です。場合によっては、1 枚の写真をレタッチするのに何時間もかかることもあります...
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