Female Diversity女性の多様性
Hello, friends!
Even though I have a lot of experience in nude photography, I still have trouble understanding women.
Some of them dress very frankly, loosened in communication and their social networks – at photo sessions, are usually very shy and clamped. They do not want and are afraid to be photographed with nude elements. Although they are pleased to consider, evaluate and comment on other people's photos.
At the same time, other girls who are shy, quiet, and shy usually modestly dressed – on the contrary, without any embarrassment pose wholly or partially naked, even if they see a photographer for the first time in their lives.
It's a paradox and a mystery to me. And I even took an interest in this question a few times from different psychologists, though getting thoroughly different answers related to narcissism and options of self-confidence, fear of the opinion of outsiders, and other reasons.
Sometimes, during the shooting, I ask questions about how the girl has decided about wanting to act. After all, I want to understand women better. Some say that in this way, they try to relax and be more self-confident. Some say they like to pose and get compliments and men's attention. And for some, it's just an experiment or something new emotionally.
Girls who pose for the first time, except for the consent to posing with elements of "nudes" to feel more secure and confident on the shoot, do not come to the photo shoot themselves. They take a friend or husband who is not present at the photo shoot but is just somewhere nearby. And it makes you feel safer.
All girls are different, as are their motives for posing in the nude style. But everything is beautiful in its own way, and I'm glad they share their beauty, grace, and femininity with us.
彼らの中には、非常に率直な服装をしており、コミュニケーションやソーシャル ネットワークに緩みを感じている人もいますが、写真撮影のときは、通常、非常に内気で堅苦しい態度をとります。彼らはヌード要素のある写真を撮られることを望んでいませんし、恐れています。彼らは喜んで他の人の写真を検討し、評価し、コメントします。
女の子は皆異なり、ヌード スタイルでポーズをとる動機も異なります。しかし、すべてはそれなりに美しいので、彼らがその美しさ、優雅さ、女性らしさを私たちと共有してくれることを嬉しく思います。
「NYMF」モバイルアプリケーションおよびそのすべてのオリジナルの変更、追加、修正、またはサービス https://dubnitskiy.com、https://nymf.com で使用されているグラフィックコンテンツ(写真、ビデオ、イラスト)、ストーリー、単一のテキスト資料、音声ファイル/音声コンテンツ、対応するプログラムコードは、D.I. Dubnitskiy(David Dubnitskiyのペンネーム)による個々の創造性の結果であり、すべての権利が保留されています。