Unexpected Сhallenges予期せぬ課題
Difficult photo shoots... there were many of them, and each of them left vivid memories.
Once my model Elena and I decided to shoot in the attic of an old house. The keys to it were kindly given to us by one of the tenants, and we eagerly went upstairs. It was in the middle of a hot summer day in July, when the sun was scorching so hot you just wanted to hide in the shade. But as soon as we reached the attic, we were in for a real surprise: instead of the usual coolness, we found ourselves in a real greenhouse, where the temperature reached 50°C.
The unbelievable heat immediately did its job: the model and I were covered in sweat and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. Nevertheless, we didn't give up and decided to take some shots. Standing in this heat, we were able to adjust to the work, and in these difficult minutes we were able to capture some incredibly beautiful and atmospheric shots.
However, after only 5 minutes of shooting, Elena started to pass out from overheating and we urgently had to go downstairs. Fortunately, we managed to take a few shots that became real masterpieces.
しかし、撮影開始からわずか 5 分で、エレナは熱中症で意識を失い始め、私たちは急いで階下に降りなければなりませんでした。幸運にも、私たちは真の傑作となるショットを数枚撮影することができました。
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