B&W Photography白黒写真
The issue of a color or black-and-white image will probably be relevant to each photographer. At some point, I also used to experiment and be interested in black-and-white photography.
I saw that black-and-white photos perfectly convey the character’s mood, deep thoughts and personal feelings. They make it possible to fully capture a photographer's personal viewpoint and a particular emotional message. Besides, black-and-white photos possess their own aura of antiquity that spreads mysterious melancholy and some sort of warmth. Black-and-white shots are connected with the origin of photography, yet, something that used to be a mere way to generate images over time turned into something deeper.
Sometimes they seem plain and beautiful, but they are able to communicate a very deep meaning. Doubtlessly, the expressiveness and interesting emotional content of a black-and-white photo is achieved through the photographer's professional activity, their creative thinking, skillful play with contrast and light. The success of the black-and-white photo requires regular practice and creative approach as well as an ability to see and feel original plots for black-and-white photos.
To me, black-and-white photography remains one of the most interesting artistic trends. When I feel inspired, I never miss the opportunity to take a couple of black-and-white shots.
私にとって、白黒写真は依然として最も興味深い芸術的トレンドの 1 つです。インスピレーションを感じたら、白黒写真を数枚撮る機会を逃しません。
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