Irreplaceable Cameraかけがえのないカメラ
I’m a big fan of retro items, especially cameras. You’ve probably heard about my collection of cameras. It took me a couple of years to build it from various corners of the world. And if I was to prioritize one camera over others, I’d surely opt for a light, convenient small one.
I have an old reflex camera Nikon D5100 with a small and light lens Helios 81H, which I took lots of my favorite photos with. Here are one of them.
It’s comfortable to carry, I’m not afraid to make it dirty, scratch it or leave it somewhere. Of course, there are more up-to-date cameras with big high-aperture lenses. But they are heavy, expensive and cause a lot of troubles. I would recommend camera manufacturers to stop chasing for super-features, but to prioritize convenience and portability.
私は小さくて軽いレンズHelios 81Hを備えた古いレフカメラNikon D5100を持っており、お気に入りの写真をたくさん撮りました。ここにその 1 つを示します。
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