Appropriate filming equipment適切な撮影機材
What equipment is appropriate for filming? – It’s a question frequently asked by almost every beginner photographer.
It’s very hard to give advice if you have no idea about the genre of the photoshoot and photographer’s purposes. I’ll put it this way: it’s very individual. Certain photographers don’t see themselves without a big number of photo devices, a couple of lenses, flashes etc.
I myself am perfectly fine with a simple kit that includes a camera with a 35- or 55-mm lens, a tripod, a small reflector and a bit of imagination. The main focus is not the number of accessories employed in the photoshoot, but it's actual outcome.
撮影に適した機材は何ですか? – これは、ほぼすべての初心者写真家からよく聞かれる質問です。
私自身は、35 または 55 mm レンズを備えたカメラ、三脚、小さな反射鏡、そして少しの想像力を備えたシンプルなキットでまったく問題ありません。主な焦点は、写真撮影で使用されたアクセサリーの数ではなく、実際の結果です。
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