Appropriate filming equipment合适的拍摄设备
What equipment is appropriate for filming? – It’s a question frequently asked by almost every beginner photographer.
It’s very hard to give advice if you have no idea about the genre of the photoshoot and photographer’s purposes. I’ll put it this way: it’s very individual. Certain photographers don’t see themselves without a big number of photo devices, a couple of lenses, flashes etc.
I myself am perfectly fine with a simple kit that includes a camera with a 35- or 55-mm lens, a tripod, a small reflector and a bit of imagination. The main focus is not the number of accessories employed in the photoshoot, but it's actual outcome.
适合拍摄什么设备? – 这是几乎每个初学者摄影师经常问的问题。
我自己对一个简单的套件非常满意,其中包括一台带 35 或 55 毫米镜头的相机、一个三脚架、一个小反光板和一点想象力。主要关注的不是照片拍摄中使用的配件数量,而是实际结果。
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