Pin up photoshoot固定照片拍摄
The direction of Pin up began with the fact that in the post-war period in America, guys became fashionable to pin pictures on the walls of pretty cheerful girls. The models' appearance contrasted sharply with the tired and depressed faces of most girls of the time, and although the models were not completely naked, a certain amount of eroticism was present in the pictures.
So, the English word «_pin-up_» was born as the name of a new style, which is still prevalent in many fields, including photography. The main features that distinguish pin-up from other photographic types include the sexual image of the girl in the photo, the naive but teasing look of the model, and the vivid, intense tones.
Image creation
Clothes and Shoes. In clothing, preference is given to fitted dresses and sundresses below the knees with prints and a plunging neckline tied on knot blouses with shorts, pied swimsuits, or high-waisted swimsuits. All these outfits effectively emphasize the beauty of the female body, thanks to which the image is very feminine and romantic. The «pin-up girl» legs usually adorn classic heel shoes.
Accessories. In conclusion, the «cool» image in the hands of the model looks like a good handbag or suitcase, a wide-brimmed hat, a disk phone, cosmetic accessories, and other attributes that help to create the image of a giddy beauty.
As for the choice of location, the photo shoot in the style of «pin-up» can be carried out both in a specialized studio and with a trip to nature. In the first case, the background can be the kitchen's interior, where the girl is doing household chores.
The picnic theme can be arranged on the beach or the green lawn in the forest in the summer pin-up photo shoot. The original idea will give the placement in the motorcycle's frame or a rare car model. In general, the space for imagination is enormous.
_Pin up_的发展方向源于美国战后时期,当时男生在墙上贴漂亮开朗女孩的照片成为一种时尚。模特的面容与当时大多数女孩疲惫沮丧的面容形成了鲜明的对比,尽管模特并非全裸,但照片中还是带有一定的色情意味。
于是,英文单词“ pin-up ”诞生了,作为一种新风格的名称,这种风格至今仍在摄影等许多领域盛行。pin-up 与其他摄影类型的主要区别在于照片中女孩的性感形象、模特天真而挑逗的表情以及生动而强烈的色调。
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