7 february
Hair in Portrait Photography人像摄影中的头发
Hair adorns a woman. Hair can be straight, curly, or wavy, short or long, come in many colors and shades. Diversity always strikes and causes admiration, and a good photographer seeks to understand how to effectively emphasize her female beauty. Please see below a couple of good examples.
- The model is doing something with her hair – for instance, scrapes it into a ponytail, braids it, combs it, or decorates it with flowers.
- If you need to show the model’s thin and beautiful neck, she can scrape it into a ponytail, or into braids.
- Hair can help separate the face from the background. If the model’s face merges with the background during the photoshoot, her hair can help separate her face from the background. To do so, it’s enough to place the model’s hair behind her face in such a way that her hair, and not face contours, occupy the background.
- Ginger and light-brown hair looks beautiful in contre-jour lighting. The sun reflects on this hair with golden shades.
- If the photo is taken in a light mode, and the model’s hair is too dark, you can put a bonnet or another type of hair cover on your model. In this case, the area of dark hair in the short will decrease several times, and it will not distract the audience’s attention from the entire picture.
- Hair can cover private body parts if its long enough. This always looks feminine and beautiful.
- 模特正在对她的头发做一些事情——例如,把它刮成马尾辫、编成辫子、梳理它或用鲜花装饰它。
- 如果你需要展示模特纤细美丽的脖子,她可以把它刮成马尾辫,或者编成辫子。
- 头发可以帮助将脸部与背景分开。如果在拍摄过程中模特的脸部与背景融为一体,她的头发可以帮助将她的脸部与背景分开。要做到这一点,只需将模特的头发放在她的脸后面,这样她的头发(而不是脸部轮廓)就会占据背景。
- 姜黄色和浅棕色的头发在逆光下看起来很漂亮。阳光在这头发上反射出金色的色调。
- 如果照片是在灯光模式下拍摄的,并且模特的头发太黑,您可以为模特戴上帽子或其他类型的发套。这样的话,短片中深色头发的面积就会减少数倍,也不会分散观众对整个画面的注意力。
- 如果头发足够长,可以覆盖身体的私密部位。这总是看起来女性化和美丽。
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