Pin up photoshootピンナップ写真撮影
The direction of Pin up began with the fact that in the post-war period in America, guys became fashionable to pin pictures on the walls of pretty cheerful girls. The models' appearance contrasted sharply with the tired and depressed faces of most girls of the time, and although the models were not completely naked, a certain amount of eroticism was present in the pictures.
So, the English word «_pin-up_» was born as the name of a new style, which is still prevalent in many fields, including photography. The main features that distinguish pin-up from other photographic types include the sexual image of the girl in the photo, the naive but teasing look of the model, and the vivid, intense tones.
Image creation
Clothes and Shoes. In clothing, preference is given to fitted dresses and sundresses below the knees with prints and a plunging neckline tied on knot blouses with shorts, pied swimsuits, or high-waisted swimsuits. All these outfits effectively emphasize the beauty of the female body, thanks to which the image is very feminine and romantic. The «pin-up girl» legs usually adorn classic heel shoes.
Accessories. In conclusion, the «cool» image in the hands of the model looks like a good handbag or suitcase, a wide-brimmed hat, a disk phone, cosmetic accessories, and other attributes that help to create the image of a giddy beauty.
As for the choice of location, the photo shoot in the style of «pin-up» can be carried out both in a specialized studio and with a trip to nature. In the first case, the background can be the kitchen's interior, where the girl is doing household chores.
The picnic theme can be arranged on the beach or the green lawn in the forest in the summer pin-up photo shoot. The original idea will give the placement in the motorcycle's frame or a rare car model. In general, the space for imagination is enormous.
こうして、英語の単語「_ pin-up _」が新しいスタイルの名前として誕生し、写真を含む多くの分野で今でも広く使われています。ピンナップを他の写真の種類と区別する主な特徴は、写真に写っている女の子の性的イメージ、モデルの素朴でありながら挑発的な表情、鮮やかで強烈な色調などです。
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