Tattoos in Nude Photography裸体摄影中的纹身
Many women remain a puzzle to me. As it’s hard to guess as first sight what’s hidden behind this or that character. Sometimes, you look at a modestly dressed, well-bred, shy lady and think how reserved or even boring she may be. Instead, it’s just a deceiving look that hides burning passion. Sometimes it works the other way round – the lady is trying to look gorgeous, while in real life, she’s very modest and shy.
A vivid example of this is Katya who was photographed for the “Self-expression” photo series. When I first saw her, I couldn’t imagine that such a modestly dressed (or so she seemed) lady could be wearing tattoos. During the photoshoot I saw the entire world hidden behind the stranger eyes, where every tattoo has its own meaning and a story to tell.
In my photoshoots, I always try to show genuine female beauty without any outside interference. Hence, if a lady with tattoos comes to my photoshoot, I try to remove them with the help of Photoshop. In this case, however, I came across a totally different feeling – I wanted to show those tattoos in the shot. It was my first experience of photographing the lady with tattoos.
在我的拍摄中,我总是试图在不受任何外界干扰的情况下展现真实的女性美。因此,如果有纹身的女士来参加我的拍摄,我会尝试使用 Photoshop 将其去除。然而,在这种情况下,我遇到了一种完全不同的感觉——我想在镜头中展示那些纹身。这是我第一次拍摄纹身女士。
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