Filming in Bright Daylight明るい日中の撮影
Any photographer will tell you that portraits come out best when taken outdoors in the cloudy weather, in the morning or in the evening, when the light is “soft”. In most cases, this is right.
Yet, sometimes, filming in bright daylight may be very interesting, especially if this light emphasizes the mood of the photo – for instance, when a photographer seeks to show very hot weather.
To avoid bleached areas of skin in the light and lapses to black in the shadow, it’s better to use an HDR filming mode and illuminate dark areas with a reflector or a flash.
Hot weather can also be emphasized through sweat on the model’s body. To do so, it’s enough to sprinkle a bit of water over the girl’s body. Wet skin sparkles beautifully in the bright sun and improves the emotional constituent of the photo. This will be suitable for a summer photoshoot, where the model is sunbathing or doing some work.
Good examples of such a photoshoot could such photo series as “Sweet Watermelons”, “The red car and beautiful driver”, “And again, on a journey”. Both the bright sun light and sweat on the girl’s body convey the entire atmosphere of a hot summer day. As a result, the shots came out emotional, and look very natural.
光の中で肌の部分が漂白され、影で黒くなってしまうのを避けるには、HDR 撮影モードを使用し、リフレクターまたはフラッシュで暗い部分を照らすことをお勧めします。
このような写真撮影の良い例としては、 「甘いスイカ」 、 「赤い車と美しい運転手」 、 「そしてまた旅へ」などの写真シリーズが挙げられます。まぶしい太陽の光と少女の体に浮かぶ汗が、暑い夏の雰囲気を表しています。その結果、写真は感情的になり、非常に自然に見えます。
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