Nordic Look北欧風
As I run workshops in different countries, I invite local ladies to be my models. For “A white сrow” photoshoot, I found a lady from a small, but a very beautiful town of Lubliana. Her name was Dinara. When I saw her for the first time, I was impressed with her Nordic, Scandinavian beauty as well as her kind heart and joyful nature.
After a successful workshop, I offered her to make a small private photoshoot. As we had no time to look for a beautiful location, we decided to make a couple of nice portraits with a glace of wine in the apartment where I was staying – a newly-repaired spacious place.
To film Dinara, I picked out a half-transparent cover that amazingly highlighted her perfect young curves... As she drank a bit of wine, she was skillfully posing and felt absolutely relaxed.
She said she was doing makeup, but modeling was her favorite activity... It's nice to talk to a person who enjoys posing... Dinara loved herself, her body, which was palatable in all her moves, grace, and, of course, her look...
Improvising is not always easy, as you often have to deal with the model you've never dealt with on-site, the one you've seen for the first time. Besides, you need to find beautiful angles and a good place for filming, posing and emotions. Yet, with Dinara, it was quite easy and funny...
There are ladies who, despite their beauty, feel very embarrassed in front of the camera and find it stressful to get their bodies naked. Sometimes, things work visa versa – an undressed lady feels as comfortable as when she's dressed. When Dinara came to the photoshoot, she quickly and easily took her clothes off and started to pose with a smile.
I'm often asked how I can focus on filming when there's a beautiful naked lady beside me. Every time I say that while filming, I look at her as a photographer, not as a man. I try my best to use the time available for making as many beautiful photos as possible. Dinara seemed to understand it. That was probably one of the reasons why she didn't feel embarrassed at all...
私はさまざまな国でワークショップを開催する際、現地の女性たちにモデルになってもらうことにしています。 「白いクロウ」の写真撮影のために、私はルブリアナという小さいけれどとても美しい町から来た女性を見つけました。彼女の名前はディナラでした。初めて彼女を見たとき、私は彼女の北欧、スカンジナビアの美しさと同時に、彼女の優しい心と楽しい性格に感銘を受けました。
「NYMF」モバイルアプリケーションおよびそのすべてのオリジナルの変更、追加、修正、またはサービス https://dubnitskiy.com、https://nymf.com で使用されているグラフィックコンテンツ(写真、ビデオ、イラスト)、ストーリー、単一のテキスト資料、音声ファイル/音声コンテンツ、対応するプログラムコードは、D.I. Dubnitskiy(David Dubnitskiyのペンネーム)による個々の創造性の結果であり、すべての権利が保留されています。