Museum of Art美術館
Today I’m going to tell you the backstory of the creation of the «Museum of Art».
One wonderful morning I received a call from my good friend Anastasia with a very interesting offer – to take a picture of her in an old museum of art. I was immediately interested in this idea, since I hadn’t taken pictures in a museum yet. That is why I gladly agreed. A few days later we went to the location where we planned to hold the photo session. It was one of the museums of our city. Of course, it was difficult to explain to the museum administration why we needed nude photos among antique paintings. However, we managed to come to an agreement.
For my charming model, I chose a yellow long dress that looked very harmonious against the dark maroon walls of the room. The dress was very comfortable. It unbuttoned completely, and it was possible to show the beautiful figure of the girl. And when the side light from the windows fell on Anastasia’s young body, it beautifully emphasized all the curves and roundness...
We were shooting in different corners of a large hall with old and very interesting paintings, many of which were hundreds of years old. Nastya acted naturally and wasn’t shy at all, even though there was a woman sitting in the corner of the hall.
She was a museum worker and kept order in the hall to make sure we didn’t touch the paintings. The woman watched us with interest and admired the youth and beauty of the girl. Perhaps she was remembering how beautiful and desirable she had been when she was young. I wonder if she has such pictures that show her own youth...
Among all the works on display in the museum, I was impressed by one painting that depicted a wealthy and apparently influential woman from around the 17th century. At that very moment, I thought of how she stood in the same pose for hours in front of the artist to capture her beauty. Yes, there was no photography back then. But now it takes less than a second to capture a moment.
Our photo session took just over an hour. We took some beautiful pictures, met some very nice museum workers and had a nice walk through the museum halls. The administrator of the museum sadly told us that the attendance is getting smaller and smaller. Everything is available on the Internet now. And taking advantage of the opportunity, he asked for a few photos from the photo session as a keepsake. To which we could not refuse...
美術館に展示されているすべての作品の中で、私が印象に残ったのは、17世紀頃の裕福で影響力があったと思われる女性を描いた一枚の絵でした。その瞬間、私は彼女が自分の美しさを捉えるためにアーティストの前で何時間も同じポーズをとった様子を思い出しました。そう、当時は写真なんてありませんでした。しかし今では、一瞬を捉えるのに 1 秒もかかりません。
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