Broken Carブロンセン車
Summer, heat, somewhere in a field, far from any locality, an old Soviet car broke down. The girl, who was driving, suffers from the summer heat, hiding under the raised trunk (it's so hot in the cabin). The girl wears a hat made of newspaper. She is all sweaty and wipes the sweat from her face with the T-shirt, like many of us on a hot day when no one sees her. The car is a perfect representation of the 1970s.
This photo shoot was inspired by a car I saw at a retro automobile exhibition. It was in excellent condition and had a pleasant blue color. This car has a poor reputation in the Soviet Union for being the most unreliable and frequently broken car of all time. In old documentary photos of those times, you can see the real routing life of the car owners. So, the idea for a photo session arose from the exhibition, but the main difference is that the driver should be a lovely young lady.
Choice of color
The primary colors in the frame are cyan (the car), pale blue (the sky on a sunny summer day), and greenish-yellow (the corn fields). The chocolate body of the girl stands out very effectively in the background of the blue car. Despite the presence of cold colors in the frame (light blue, cyan) – the photo represents a hot summer day.
The ZAZ was the cheapest car in the USSR, and it was mainly used by farmers. The girl's image is from the common folk. Following this role, the clothes were chosen to be simple, summer, and comfortable. A skirt and a T-shirt made of natural cotton textiles. In Soviet times, there was a significant shortage of summer hats, and very often, hats that were saved from the sun were made from ordinary newspapers. Absolutely the same hat from the newspaper on the head of the model. I chose a blue skirt to match the car's color palette and the sky. The shirt is light beige, slightly dirty.
The background behind the girl – her broken car and the field of corn. The location without trees was chosen to show the complexity of the situation, and the only shadow – was under the raised trunk lid. The location is an ordinary country road between fields. The empty horizon and the absence of trees, branches, buildings, etc., help to focus on the girl with the car.
Hair and make-up
Women in the countryside did not put on any make-up during the Soviet era, and hairstyles were minimal. In this case, the hair is pulled back, and there is almost no make-up, emphasizing the simplicity of the image. Bright and evening make-up as well as beautiful hairstyles, would be inappropriate in this case.
The light is natural, the day is cloudless, and the shooting takes place at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. This time was chosen because I wanted the viewer to feel the heat in the photo. Also, I needed a large shadow from the trunk lid to create shelter for the girl. I illuminated the model with a reflector, drawing with light the volume on her body and face, showing the sweat on the skin.
The girl leaned her booty on the car, hiding in the shade while wiping sweat from her face with a T-shirt. The most important element of the pose is to show the breasts beautifully, but at the same time hide the nipples. I wanted to show the face beautifully without covering it with a T-shirt. There were many photos taken from various angles of the face, with different rotations and tilts of the head, before the best frame was selected. During shooting, the girl also highlighted her collarbones to add volume to her upper body. I sprayed the girl with water from a flower sprayer before shooting to create the effect of sweaty skin.
Depth of field
The depth of field was chosen to focus on the girl and the car. The corn bushes are blurry but quite readable. A larger opening of the aperture (for example, up to f1.8) would cause a significant blurring of the background and all the corn bushes would merge into green mush.
Shooting angle
The angle is chosen to show not only the girl under the trunk lid, but also the side of the car. The car is very interesting and looks outstanding in the frame, its funny appearance adds positive emotions to the photo. The height of the camera is at the level of the model's face in order to demonstrate the beauty (if the camera were lower, then the fabric of the T-shirt and the right hand of the girl would cover part of the face). If the shooting point would be shifted to the right, then the side of the car would not be visible. If shifted to the left, the breast would not be in the frame (it would be covered by the hand) and the most attractive accent of the picture would disappear.
Above is a part of an empty cloudless summer sky, which should be in the frame. The left and right parts of the photo are cropped to show the car. The bottom of the frame is cropped to the skirt because I wanted the viewer to feel closer to the girl. In this photo, there is no need to show the entire girl with legs. If the whole model were in the frame, it would be difficult to see the face, sweat on the skin, beautiful breasts, and other details.
(emotional part, mood). The girl is tired, she feels hot and sweating. She wipes the sweat from her face as she opens her mouth slightly. Facial expression in such a situation can only be tired and hopeless. The model conveys this emotion in the photo successfully. This mood is transmitted to the viewer. If she smiled, for example, the audience could wonder, "She is feeling bad, it's obviously hot, why is she smiling?"
Post Processing
The post-processing was chosen to emphasize the vintage (70s), the saturation and brightness of the greens were reduced, and the whole photo looks like it was shot on film. This way of processing corresponds to my author's style and highlights the atmosphere of the frame.
You can view and upload the high-quality “Broken car” photo to your smartphone via NYMF photo gallery.
夏、暑さ、どこの地域からも遠く離れた野原のどこかで、古いソ連の車が故障した。運転していた少女は夏の暑さに苦しんでおり、高くなったトランクの下に隠れていた(車内はとても暑い)。女の子は新聞紙で作った帽子をかぶっています。彼女は、誰も見ていない暑い日に、私たちの多くと同じように、全身汗だくで、T シャツで顔の汗を拭きます。この車は 1970 年代を完璧に表現しています。
フレーム内の原色は、シアン (車)、淡い青 (晴れた夏の日の空)、および緑がかった黄色 (トウモロコシ畑) です。青い車を背景に女の子のチョコレートボディがとても効果的に目立ちます。フレーム内に冷たい色(ライトブルー、シアン)が存在しているにもかかわらず、写真は暑い夏の日を表しています。
ZAZ はソ連で最も安価な自動車で、主に農民によって使用されました。少女のイメージは庶民のものだ。この役割に倣い、服装もシンプルで夏らしく、着心地の良いものを選びました。ナチュラルなコットンテキスタイルを使用したスカートとTシャツ。ソビエト時代には夏用の帽子が大幅に不足しており、日差しから守る帽子は普通の新聞紙で作られることが非常に多かった。モデルの頭にかぶっている新聞紙とまったく同じ帽子。車のカラーパレットと空に合わせて青いスカートを選びました。シャツは明るいベージュで、少し汚れています。
女の子の後ろの背景 - 彼女の壊れた車とトウモロコシ畑。状況の複雑さを示すために木のない場所が選ばれ、唯一の影は盛り上がったトランクリッドの下でした。場所は田畑の間の普通の田舎道です。空の地平線と木、枝、建物などが存在しないことで、車に乗っている少女に焦点を合わせるのに役立ちます。
自然光で、日中は雲一つなく、撮影は午後 4 時頃に行われます。写真から熱量を感じてもらいたくてこの時間を選びました。また、女の子の避難所を作るためにトランクリッドから大きな影が必要でした。リフレクターでモデルを照らし、体と顔のボリュームを光で描き、肌の汗を表現しました。
少女は車に尻を立てかけ、Tシャツで顔の汗を拭きながら日陰に隠れた。ポーズの最も重要な要素は、胸を美しく見せると同時に乳首を隠すことです。 Tシャツで顔を隠さずに綺麗に見せたいと思いました。最適なフレームが選択される前に、頭の回転や傾きを変えて顔のさまざまな角度から撮影された写真が多数ありました。撮影中、女の子は上半身にボリュームを加えるために鎖骨を強調しました。撮影前にフラワースプレーで女の子に水を吹きかけ、汗ばんだ肌のような効果を出しました。
女の子と車に焦点を当てるために被写界深度が選択されました。トウモロコシの茂みはぼやけていますが、かなり判読できます。絞りを大きく開くと (たとえば、f1.8 まで)、背景が大幅にぼやけ、トウモロコシの茂みがすべて緑色のドロドロの中に溶け込んでしまいます。
後処理はビンテージ (70 年代) を強調するように選択され、緑の彩度と明るさが抑えられ、写真全体がフィルムで撮影されたように見えます。この加工方法は筆者の作風に沿っており、フレームの雰囲気を際立たせています。
NYMF フォト ギャラリーを介して、高品質の「壊れた車」写真をスマートフォンに表示してアップロードできます。
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