Magic Lakeマジック レイク
The photoshoot took place in the late bright evening, when the sun began to fade, but still continued to caress our location with its picturesque light. The sky was without a single cloud, which made the light quite bright. It was for this reason that we had to experiment with exposure and combine different shots to avoid severe over-exposure and dark areas.
Camera and optics
On this day, I decided to use a Nikon Z7-ii camera to get the most out of each shot. The focal length of the lens was 40mm, which allowed me to capture the details and beauty of our model in all its beauty.
The picturesque light of the sun, although harsh, gave our photos a special charm. Nature presented us with a challenge and we accepted it! Experimenting with exposure and splicing shots together was an integral part of the process. This allowed us to retain the details and warmth of the light, even under such difficult conditions.
We spent a lot more time than usual on color correction. The light reflected from the foliage gave the skin a greenish tint, while a blue hue came from the sky. These nuances required careful processing in Adobe Photoshop to achieve the desired color balance. We refused to use neural networks so that each shot would retain its naturalness and uniqueness.
この日は、それぞれのショットを最大限に活かすために、Nikon Z7-ii カメラを使用することにしました。レンズの焦点距離は40mmで、モデルの細部と美しさをすべて捉えることができました。
色補正にはいつもより多くの時間を費やしました。葉から反射した光は肌に緑がかった色合いを与え、空からは青みがかった色合いを与えました。これらのニュアンスでは、望ましいカラー バランスを実現するために Adobe Photoshop で慎重に処理する必要がありました。各ショットの自然さと独自性を維持するために、ニューラル ネットワークの使用を拒否しました。
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