One Fishing Story. Part 1釣り物語その1
Hi, friends. Let's do a nice erotic photo shoot today. It's going to be a couple of portraits with nude elements. I want these photos to show beautifully naked breasts. And I want to combine several things in the photo shoot, which we all love in the summer heat, especially men. It's a cold beer, it's salty, tasty fish, dried fish that I've hung out here, and of course, a beautiful, probably sweating from the heat woman. And today, in one photo shoot, we're going to make all three of those things compatible.
Let's try to make shots that will not only be beautiful, and erotic but will also cause a storm of emotions because such shots with things we all love can't leave no one indifferent. And very often photographers ask me where I get interesting old interiors. I find them very frequently indeed. And many of my friends tell me where there are interesting rooms and apartments. But there are times when it's easier for me to create an interior, just to create it from scratch than to try to find it. And today I have such a small idea is some kind of loggia, balcony. Summer, it's hot weather, sweaty girl, fish drying on the window, and cold beer. I realize that I will shoot just one corner in a large interior, I will not show furniture, and so on, some big accessories. And it's easier for me to create such a corner myself than to look for it. And let's do it now.
こんにちは、皆さん。今日は素敵なエロティックな写真撮影をしましょう。ヌード要素のあるポートレートを何枚か撮ります。これらの写真では、美しく裸の胸を見せたいと思っています。写真撮影では、夏の暑さの中で私たちみんな、特に男性が大好きなものをいくつか組み合わせたいと思っています。冷たいビール、塩辛くておいしい魚、私がここで干した干物、そしてもちろん、暑さで汗をかいているであろう美しい女性。そして今日、1 回の写真撮影で、これら 3 つすべてを両立させようと思います。
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