Two Cats on a Swingブランコに乗る二匹の猫
A girl on a swing at a country house, enjoying a summer sunset. The girl is dressed in a skirt and a light T-shirt, and the soft rays pass through the clothes, highlighting the curve of her lovely breasts.
I saw this swing several times at my friend's country house. I saw where the sun sets and how beautifully it illuminates this location. Childhood associations with swings are joy, carelessness, and pleasure. So, I decided to combine a swing and a girl in warm and pleasant sunset light.
I needed light, summer, simple clothes (a girl in the country). A little transparent for being illuminated by the sun's back rays. I took a short skirt to show the girl's beautiful, long legs. Top – plain white jersey. The white pattern on the skirt complements the white flowers in the background perfectly. The white T-shirt looks great with the rest of the colors and the bright, almost white sky. Moreover, the shirt is a little transparent in the lighting, as I wanted.
Hair and make-up
The girl is wearing light make-up because she is in the countryside. Her hair is light and medium. It is loose, as if she is resting, and beautifully falls on her shoulders. Blonde hair looks astonishing in this context.
The photo was taken on a sunny day at about 6.30 pm. The sun was exactly behind the model, beautifully drawing outlines on the skin, face, hair, and clothes. Thanks to this light, the T-shirt is illuminated under the breast, outlining its shape. It is the seductive but not vulgar detail that makes a portrait special. Of course, I used a reflector to make the girl's skin look brighter from the side of the lens.
The girl is resting, enjoying the warmth of the setting sun and summer evening. According to the idea, the pose was supposed to be as relaxed and peaceful as possible.
When we started this photo session, a tiny kitten came to us, probably a couple of months old. Because the kitten was not afraid of us, he let us hold him. The fact that parts of the kitten's face and legs were white, like a T-shirt, flowers, and so on, was a nice coincidence. Of course, I took the chance to improve the photo and placed the kitty into the frame. You can see the kitten on a swing, near the girl's leg. The model's hands are on her knee, and I gave a plucked flower in one hand to add summer details to the frame. The model's head is turned in profile; Her lips are relaxed, and she is completely at ease. I wanted the kitten to look into the frame.
I carefully prepared the girl's position at first, and while I focused on sharpness, I simply called the kitten "kitty, kitty" and as soon as the kitten glanced into the camera, I captured this photo. Furthermore, I liked the shot.
Depth of field
The depth of field was chosen to focus on a girl in a swing and a kitten. The background is far enough, but at the same time, it is clear and readable. If you open the diaphragm more, for example, to 1.8, the background will be too blurred; as a result, flowers and leaves behind will not be visible. If you close the aperture, on the contrary, the white flowers in a dark photo will attract too much attention.
Shooting angle
The camera is positioned at the level of the model's hands. The setting sun is also in the frame, and the girl in the transparent T-shirt looks romantic. Moving the camera to the left and right is quite acceptable; it will not change the photo too much.
I wanted to show the swing floating in the air, so I didn't include the pipe in the frame. Moreover, cropping around the swing and the girl was done on both sides so that the frame was harmonious in the composition. I didn't leave much background around the swing on the left and right to make the model and cat stand out more.
Express summer rest. Relaxation. Enjoyment of the place, time, and inner state. The model's emotion and comfortable posture show this. The eyes are closed, and the lips are slightly opened. The kitten added a feeling to this photo, a cute, smile. The kitten’s emotion made the photo much better, with a cute face and light on the fur. I believe it's one of the best emotional expressions in my photos.
The main task of the retouching was to show the warmth and softness of the evening summer light. Of course, it was important to keep the retro style in the image. The photo was quickly processed in plugins with the imitation of old photographic film. Modern processing with bright-green leaves, excessive sharpness, and contrast, in this case, is not appropriate.
田舎の女の子なので、軽くて夏らしいシンプルな服が必要でした。太陽の光線に照らされるよう、少し透けている服。女の子の美しく長い脚を見せるために、短いスカートを選びました。トップスは無地の白いジャージです。スカートの白い模様は、背景の白い花と完璧にマッチしています。白い T シャツは、他の色や明るくほぼ白い空ととてもよく合います。さらに、私が望んでいたように、照明の下ではシャツが少し透けています。
この撮影セッションを始めたとき、おそらく生後 2 か月くらいの小さな子猫がやって来ました。子猫は私たちを怖がらなかったので、抱っこさせてくれました。子猫の顔と足の一部が、T シャツや花などと同じように白かったのは、嬉しい偶然でした。もちろん、私はこの写真を改良するチャンスを捉えて、子猫をフレームの中に入れました。女の子の足の近くのブランコに乗っている子猫を見ることができます。モデルの手は膝の上に置かれ、私はフレームに夏のディテールを加えるために、片手に摘んだ花を持たせました。モデルの頭は横を向いています。彼女の唇はリラックスしており、彼女は完全にリラックスしています。私は子猫にフレームの中を覗かせたかったのです。
被写界深度は、ブランコに乗った女の子と子猫に焦点を合わせるために選択されました。背景は十分に離れていますが、同時に、はっきりと読み取ることができます。絞りをさらに、たとえば 1.8 まで開くと、背景がぼやけすぎて、背後の花や葉が見えなくなります。逆に絞りを閉じると、暗い写真の中で白い花が目立ちすぎてしまいます。
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