Girl with Plumsプラムを持つ少女
This tutorial is especially for NYMF's Birthday. Here, you will learn all the details of creating that very “perfect” shot: the concept, the choice of colors, the process of photo creation, and photo processing.
I'm often asked about the secret of my photos. Upon numerous requests, I've prepared a video-tutorial where I use my Lady with Plums photo to illustrate my approach to creating a “perfect” shot.
My idea was to take a photo of a charming “country girl” who’d collected plums in the hemline of her dress and poured them out into a basket. The girl is supposed to be wearing a light and comfortable open dress emphasizing her sexy body, and the girl herself should be natural and plump, with her hair being plum-black and thick.
She has to look as ripe, juicy, and sweet as the plums she collected. Besides, it would be great to show dynamics, for instance, plums in motion. The girl is supposed to be shown amidst bright-green plants and in warm sunlight (contre-jour lighting). The general mood of the photo is the Garden of Eden.
Many of my photos are based on distant childhood memories – like this one, for instance. I remember when I was a teenager, I used to collect fallen juicy apples in my country house and put them in my shirt, which could fit more than 10 pieces! Then, holding them with my hand, I carried them home and poured them onto the table. I thought it would be a great idea for a photo.
Following the requirements of my style, I had to replace a boy with a juicy girl, a boy’s ripped shirt with a sexy country dress. Besides, apples, which are frequently found in my photos, can be replaced with plums – juicy, ripe, and sweet, that associate plums with the girl.
Choice of color
This photo was supposed to show the 80s-90s. It was the era of film cameras giving a pleasant “soft” picture, moderately bright colors, no excessive contrast, and sharpness. After searching the Internet for numerous photos of women in a country house (back in the 80s and 90s), I picked out a photo I took as an approximate guideline for color rendition.
Considering the fact that I always reduce the bright color of greenery to greenish yellow (something like autumn leaves that have lost their juiciness), the color of the dress should perfectly match this foliage.
Of course, the style of the dress had to comply with the original concept, i.e., to emphasize the girl’s beautiful body, partially exposing some of its parts. For the photoshoot, I took three dresses of different colors – blue with white flower print, gray, and pink. The blue dress didn’t really match the color of the foliage; white spots of the flower print drew excessive attention, and the gray dress didn’t match the warm atmosphere of the photo and looked gloomy. The pink jersey dress looked very efficient against greenish-yellow foliage, as it outlined the girl’s body and highlighted the warm atmosphere of the photo. To make the dress fit tight on the girl’s body, I gathered extra fabric in several places (to make the dress tighten to the body) and fastened the fabric with three regular clothespins.
In this case, the lower left part of the composition (a table with accessories) is just as important as the background.
An old vintage basket where a girl is putting plums, a bowl with pitted plums (the color of the bowl was red-purple, but when I retouched the photo, I made it similar to the color of the dress, and this decision made the photo even more harmonious), a knife, leaves, cut plums - all these details enrich the photo and explain why the girl is pouring the plums into the basket and what’s going to happen next. Such details make the photo more interesting, as they help the viewer see the whole plot and better understand the message the photographer wanted to communicate. The background, it shows the mid-blurred country house, including trees, greenery, bushes, and flowers.
Hair and make-up
The girl is working, and she surely feels comfortable with her hair tied in a braid or a ponytail, as it doesn’t bother her by falling on her face. In this case, her hair was tied with a hair elastic at the back of her head, and her lush ponytail fell on her neck and shoulders.
At the same time, the girl's face is open. A small hair curl is hanging down in front of her forehead; the lock is illuminated with light that makes it half-transparent, just like the leaves around. I find it gorgeous. Her make-up is very light, natural, and not bright. It suits a person working in a hot summer garden.
The photo was taken on a sunny day, at around 6 pm (two hours before sunset). The lighting on the left-hand side is contre-jour; penetrating the foliage, it lies beautifully on the girl’s arms, dress and hair.
On the right-hand side, the reflector highlights the model in such a way that the skin not exposed to the light doesn’t look gray or too dark. Contre-jour lighting, in this case, falls beautifully on the plums and the table and makes the foliage see-through. All this enhances impressions from the photo and emphasizes its warm sunny mood, airiness, and lightness.
The girl is slightly leaning forward and really pouring the plums from the hemline of her dress into the basket. On the one hand, this pose is the most comfortable for her, and on the other hand, it looks outstanding in the shot.
The girl pulls on the dress from below; this shows perfectly the hips and buttocks and outlines beautiful curves, which look very sexy. Her gaze, of course, is directed to the basket with plums, as she has to control the process and not let plums fall down to the ground. Her cheek is turned to the camera at a 90-degree angle, i.e., completely sidewise. In this case, the best pose was found almost immediately.
Camera and optics
Nikon D750, Nikkor 85 1.8D, ISO 100, F4, 1/400.
Depth of field
The depth of field was chosen in such a way that the girl and the table with the basket and other details were in focus. The background with all the trees, bushes, and foliage is very blurred, but at the same time, it is still understandable (readable). If the background were sharper, then due to a large amount of light, dark, and color spots, the background would be very “colorful” and distract the viewer's attention excessively.
If the aperture was too open (for example, F2), the model would have been partially out of focus, just like all the details on the table. The background would have been too blurred. Therefore, it would have been impossible to see its separate elements, for instance, flowers.
Shooting angle
The girl’s face is shot sidewise, but the body is turned towards the camera to demonstrate a beautiful low neckline, half-naked breast, the other arm, and thighs. The camera was positioned around the level of the neck. If the camera had been moved more to the right, the breast, the other arm, and the other leg would have been invisible, which would have made the photo more primitive and flatter. If the camera had been moved more to the left, we wouldn’t have seen a beautiful transition from the waist to the buttock, which is one of the sexiest parts of this shot.
The photo was planned to be vertical, as I wanted to take a close-up view of the standing girl. The low border of the shot is a bit lower than where the legs are hidden behind the bench, and you can see that the basket is standing on the bench. If the cropping was higher, I should have cropped the girl’s legs, and it would have been unclear where the basket was standing. The shot is cropped on the left behind the bowl, and you can see a cutting board with cut plums. Cropping over the bowl would have been ugly, and the shot would have been too narrow. It doesn’t make sense to make the table bigger, as the shot has more than enough details. The photo is cropped on the right in such a way that some space was left near the buttocks. It looks very harmonious. Cropping the top was solely my decision, as all the details above the girl’s head include similar leaves and twigs.
The model’s emotions in this photo are significant; her pleasant smile tells us that she’s upbeat and happy with what she’s doing.
In other words, she rather takes working in the garden as a pleasant activity than as tedious work, and we communicate this message to the viewer via the right emotions. This mood is well-conveyed to the viewer, which makes the photo even warmer and “tastier.” If the girl’s face was serious, if she wasn’t smiling, the mood of the photo would have been very different. You’d think it’s just her daily routine, but she’s tired and exhausted. Of course, in this case, the photo wouldn’t have been so nice and sweet. This again emphasizes the importance of the model’s emotions in the photo.
While retouching the photo, I paid special attention to making similar colors in many elements in the frame, for example, spots on the leaves, flowers in the background, and cut plums – all in the same orange shades. The dress the girl was wearing, the bowl, and the blush on her cheeks had the same orange shades. Hair, plums, and dark basket rods also have similar shades. This way, I removed from the photo unnecessary colors and shades and made the photo less technicolor yet more pleasant and readable to the eyes. Color correction of the entire photo matched my own retouching style – calm, non-bright colors, warm summer shades, retro-accent approximated to the original country film photography.
You can view and download the high-quality “Girl with Plums” photo to your smartphone from the NYMF photo gallery.
このチュートリアルは特に NYMF の誕生日を対象としています。ここでは、コンセプト、色の選択、写真作成のプロセス、写真の処理など、まさに「完璧な」ショットを作成するための詳細をすべて学びます。
私の写真の多くは、たとえばこの写真のように、幼い頃の遠い思い出に基づいています。 10代の頃、田舎の家に落ちたジューシーなリンゴを集めて、10個以上入るシャツの中に入れていたのを覚えています。それから手で持って家に持ち帰り、テーブルに注ぎました。写真にするには素晴らしいアイデアだと思いました。
この写真は 80 年代から 90 年代を写すはずでした。それは、快適な「柔らかい」画像、適度に明るい色、過剰なコントラストのないシャープネスを提供するフィルムカメラの時代でした。インターネットで田舎の家にいる女性の写真 (80 年代から 90 年代) を多数検索した後、色の表現のおおよそのガイドラインとして自分で撮った写真を選びました。
もちろん、ドレスのスタイルは当初のコンセプトに従う必要がありました。つまり、女の子の美しい体を強調し、一部の部分を露出させる必要がありました。写真撮影では、ブルーに白の花柄、グレー、ピンクの色の異なるドレスを3着撮りました。青いドレスは葉の色とあまり合っていませんでした。花柄の白い斑点が余計に目立ち、グレーのドレスは写真の温かい雰囲気と合わずに暗く見えてしまった。ピンクのジャージードレスは、少女の体の輪郭を描き、写真の暖かい雰囲気を強調していたので、緑がかった黄色の葉に対して非常に効果的に見えました。ドレスを女の子の体にぴったりとフィットさせるために、余分な生地を数か所集めて(ドレスが体にぴったりとフィットするように)、布を通常の洗濯ばさみ 3 つで固定しました。
女の子が梅を入れている古いヴィンテージの籠、種抜き梅の入った鉢(鉢の色は赤紫でしたが、写真をレタッチした際にドレスの色に近づけたので、この決定となりました)写真はさらに調和しています)、ナイフ、葉、カットプラム-これらすべての詳細が写真を豊かにし、なぜ女の子がプラムをバスケットに注ぐのか、そして次に何が起こるのかを説明します。このような詳細は、見る人がプロット全体を把握し、写真家が伝えたかったメッセージをよりよく理解するのに役立つため、写真をより興味深いものにします。背景には、木、緑、茂み、花など、中央にぼやけたカントリー ハウスが表示されます。
この写真は晴れた日の午後 6 時頃(日没の 2 時間前)に撮影されました。左側の照明はコントルジュールです。それは葉を突き抜けて、少女の腕、ドレス、髪に美しく横たわっています。
女の子はドレスを下から引っ張ります。ヒップやお尻を完璧に表現し、美しい曲線を描き、とてもセクシーに見えます。もちろん、彼女の視線は梅の入ったバスケットに向けられています。梅が地面に落ちないようにプロセスを制御する必要があるからです。彼女の頬はカメラに向かって 90 度、つまり完全に横向きになっています。この場合、最適なポーズはほぼすぐに見つかりました。
ニコン D750、ニッコール 85 1.8D、ISO 100、F4、1/400。
絞りが開きすぎると (F2 など)、テーブル上のすべての詳細と同様に、モデルの焦点が部分的に外れてしまいます。背景がぼけすぎたでしょう。したがって、花などの個別の要素を見ることは不可能でした。
少女の顔は横から撮影されていますが、体はカメラのほうを向いており、美しい低いネックライン、半裸の胸、もう一方の腕、太ももが映っています。カメラは首の高さのあたりに配置されました。カメラがもっと右に移動していたら、胸、もう一方の腕、もう一方の脚が見えなくなり、写真がより原始的で平坦なものになったでしょう。カメラがもっと左に動いていたら、このショットの最もセクシーな部分の 1 つである腰からお尻への美しい変化が見られなかったでしょう。
NYMF フォト ギャラリーから高品質の「プラムを持つ少女」の写真をスマートフォンに表示してダウンロードできます。
「NYMF」モバイルアプリケーションおよびそのすべてのオリジナルの変更、追加、修正、またはサービス https://dubnitskiy.com、https://nymf.com で使用されているグラフィックコンテンツ(写真、ビデオ、イラスト)、ストーリー、単一のテキスト資料、音声ファイル/音声コンテンツ、対応するプログラムコードは、D.I. Dubnitskiy(David Dubnitskiyのペンネーム)による個々の創造性の結果であり、すべての権利が保留されています。