Girl and Baguettes

Girl and Baguettes
Girl and Baguettes

By the 17th century, beauty ideals have reached plus size. Throughout his entire career, great Rubens seemed to have painted not a single skinny woman, and we still call plump women “Rubensian”. Some time after Rubens, ladies decided that there was nothing more beautiful than youth, with its pink cheeks, slim waist, and small feet. Hence, blusher, tight corsets and curve-heeled shoes became trendy.

By the 17th century, beauty ideals have reached plus size. Throughout his entire career, great Rubens seemed to have painted not a single skinny woman, and we still call plump women “Rubensian”. Some time after Rubens, ladies decided that there was nothing more beautiful than youth, with its pink cheeks, slim waist, and small feet. Hence, blusher, tight corsets and curve-heeled shoes became trendy.


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