
Phone shooting

Professional shooting on a modern smartphone nowadays does not cause any surprises. After all, they are equipped with several cameras and can do different effects than you want. Portrait shooting or film effect – with these functions, you can create art. And I, in turn, will tell you a few valuable characteristics that will help to make beautiful pictures.

The exposure is the amount of light penetrating the camera matrix through the lens. The diaphragm of the chamber opens as a human pupil to absorb more light and narrows when fewer are required. Your phone has artificial intelligence and, in its way, adjusts the lighting frame. But with his vision, it is possible to argue, using the slider of the exposure – it is a yellow square with a sun, which appears during the focus on the object of shooting. Adjust it to get the amount of light you need.

Rule of thirds
The image in the camera is divided into 9 equal rectangles, and the photographer's task is to arrange the objects to shoot along or along lines. Following the rule, you will receive a winning composition immediately, directing the viewer's eyes in the right direction. The composition will also encourage him to consider the rest of the frame. Place the main shape of the frame not in the central rectangle, but closer to its framing lines.

Light is a crucial component of photography. Experiment with shadows: sometimes, in the picture, they look more effective than the elements that throw them away. Capture the sun's glare and the light's reflection. Try to work with counterlight – leave the lighting behind the subject shooting.

And remember the important things:
«Golden Time» of the ideal frame – an hour after dawn and an hour before sunset.
The day's bright sun illuminates the images and creates a strong contrast between the dark and light areas. By placing an object directly under the sunlight on a dark background, you can get the effect of studio shooting. By shooting against the sun, you can catch the reflections, which at a certain angle will complement the frame atmospherically. Also, the contrast between light and dark areas will make landscape shooting look favorable, especially in the winter.

When shooting at night in a mobile photo, it is important to have static – the smartphone camera does not manifest itself well in low light. Use a tripod or a tripod to keep your smartphone stable. Don't press the camera button because the phone will catch the slightest fluctuation and leave you with a blurry picture. Press the timer so you have a few seconds, and the phone will be fixed at the moment of shooting.

An essential element of photography is the moment caught. In a mobile photo, it is much easier to do. Moreover, the memory of many smartphones allows you to take many pictures and choose the best of them. Browsing the media library, you will be able to examine the images in detail and make sure that on some of them, you were able to capture the sincere emotions of passers-by, the expression of the face of the animal, an exciting combination of nature and people in the frame.

如今,_使用现代智能手机进行专业拍摄_并不会引起任何意外。毕竟,它们配备了多个摄像头,可以实现您想要的不同效果。人像拍摄或电影效果 - 使用这些功能,您可以创造艺术。而我,反过来会告诉你一些有助于拍出漂亮照片的宝贵特性。


相机中的图像被分成 9 个相等的矩形,摄影师的任务是排列要拍摄的物体,沿着或沿着线。遵循规则,您将立即获得一个成功的构图,将观看者的视线引导到正确的方向。构图还会鼓励他考虑画面的其余部分。将画面的主要形状放置在中央矩形中,而不是靠近其取景线的位置。

光线是摄影的重要组成部分。尝试使用阴影:有时,在照片中,阴影看起来比丢弃阴影的元素更有效。捕捉太阳的眩光和光线的反射。尝试使用逆光 - 将灯光留在拍摄对象后面。






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