Sunny Girl阳光女孩
Some photo sessions are especially memorable to me, leaving a pleasant mark on my memory. And one of these shootings is the “Dressed in light” photo session.
Olga was a friend of one of my models, who accidentally introduced me to her. When I saw Olga for the first time, I was fascinated by her freckles and naive and kind smile. Without postponing the matter until later, I immediately offered her to participate in photo session, and she agreed. However, she was a little embarrassed by my offer, since she had never tried herself in the role of a nude model before.
It was summer heat. As for me, Olga's appearance was associated with something simple, dear and close to my heart. Therefore, I imagined Olga in the form of a simple naive girl from the recent past. I really wanted to show her natural beauty, these charming freckles and that magnetism in her eyes, which is difficult to describe in words... All I needed to create her image was an ordinary skirt and an old knitted jacket.
I decided to hold a photo session in an old country house, where I had prepared a location in advance. In my photography tutorials, I often say that finding a completely finished ideal location is difficult enough. And you have to prepare it yourself. It took me a couple of hours to make a wonderful place out of the small veranda for the work to be done... I removed all unnecessary things, hung up the lace curtains, took out an old wooden table from the barn, and brought a pot of wildflowers.
For shooting I used my recently purchased Nikon D600 and a standard Nikon 50 1.4 lens, as well as a reflector that is always with me.
The first shot always takes much time and it is always difficult. As it always happens, in all my photo shoots I choose a perspective, a shooting point, a model's pose for a long time. I can move furniture, move accessories and much, much more. I remember well that Olga was a little embarrassed that I didn't take a single shot in the first 40 minutes. “You don’t like how I look in the frame? What's wrong?” – Olga said to me. I hastened to calm the girl down, saying that it is always like this with me... And here is the first shot. And after comes the second, third, fourth one... The work has started.
The girl posed, not ceasing to tell her childhood adventures with her grandmother in the village with a smile. I listened to her, admired her charm and continued taking pictures.
Many have probably heard that there are photogenic people. Well, the ones that look great in pictures from all angles. Olga seemed to be the one of them. I can't even say that she somehow tried to pose. All of her positions (standing, lying, sitting, from the side, from the front) looked very good. About three hours of photo-session flew by like an instant.
I was very pleased with the result. And after a couple of days I chose the 10 best portraits for retouching. This photo session will be remembered for many years. And when I look at these photos, I immediately remember that warm summer day, her smile, the sun's rays and the scent of apples...
拍摄时,我使用了最近购买的尼康 D600 和标准尼康 50 1.4 镜头,以及随身携带的反光板。
第一次拍摄总是需要很多时间,而且总是很困难。正如往常一样,在我所有的照片拍摄中,我会花很长时间选择一个视角、一个拍摄点、一个模特的姿势。我可以移动家具、移动配件等等。我记得很清楚,奥尔加对我在前40分钟没有出手感到有点尴尬。 “你不喜欢我在相框里的样子?怎么了?” ——奥尔加对我说。我连忙安抚女孩,说我一直都是这样……而这是第一个镜头。接下来是第二个、第三个、第四个……工作开始了。
我对结果非常满意。几天后,我选择了 10 张最好的肖像进行修饰。这次合影将被铭记多年。当我看到这些照片时,我立刻想起那个温暖的夏日,她的微笑,阳光和苹果的香味......
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