Upon numerous requests from our followers, I’ve prepared one more photo series about my workshop in Mexico. The second day of the workshop was run in one of the parks in Mexico-Сity.
The workshop organizers found an amazing model with an amazing name – Mar. The lady did not only have a beautiful appearance of a French woman, but also spoke good French, which made her the center of attention.
Prior to filming, I’d prepared for the model three different garments: a pink and a willow-green dress as well as shorts and a white top. Once I saw Mar in person, I immediately realized she’d look the best next to the red bike and amidst greenery if dressed in the light willow-green peek-a-boo dress and wearing a beige hat.
The idea for this photoshoot was taken from the “Girl with a bicycle” painted by Arkadiy Plastov in the 50s. I actually wanted to show a charming young lady who was riding her bike across the park on a hot summer day and is enjoying her escape into nature.
Of course, certain shots had to contain slight nudity elements: dress strap that accidentally fell off her shoulder, half-bare breast coupled with her young face looked amazing and at the same time, very sexy.
I was very happy to see how excited the workshop participants were to photograph the model and the positive emotions they were getting. For many of them, it was the first opportunity to photograph a beautiful European lady, especially with nudity elements.
Mar appeared to be very positive, kind, and well-mannered. She was delighted to pose to the workshop participants, was attentive to their preferences and recommendations. By the end of the photoshoot, everyone fell in love with her.
The following day, this incredible model was posing to me personally in the shower. Believe me, this photoshoot will be very beautiful and in the same way explicit. I’ll be sharing it very soon in NYMF. Don’t miss it!
这张照片的灵感来自阿尔卡季·普拉斯托夫 (Arkadiy Plastov) 50 年代画的《骑自行车的女孩》。我实际上想展示一位迷人的年轻女士,她在炎热的夏日骑着自行车穿过公园,享受着逃离大自然的乐趣。
第二天,这位令人难以置信的模特在淋浴时亲自给我摆姿势。相信我,这张照片会非常漂亮,而且同样清晰。我很快就会在 NYMF 上分享它。不要错过!
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