
Back to the Past

If you look at my works, you may notice that most of them depict scenes from the past. At the same time, all my models have only natural beauty – no silicone, plastic surgery or tattoos.

The majority of modern photos of model-thin women look very similar to each other – the women are wearing revealing outfits and extremely bright makeup. Looking at them doesn’t trigger any emotions in me. I’d say I’m indifferent to such photos, as they don’t show anything except for beautiful faces, bodies, and fancy outfits. These photos are empty. Of course, sometimes photos made by modern photographers are really admirable, but that’s pretty much of an exception to a rule.

In my photos, except for naturally beautiful ladies, I try to show something bigger – the entire world viewers immerse themselves in when looking at them. This means a plot, mood, emotions, soul… Nude elements are like a cherry on the cake that adds to the plot, shows genuine beauty, femininity and eroticism of the characters of the stories.

“Why do you mainly show scenes from the past?”, you may ask. Sometimes I myself find it hard to answer this question. Yet, I believe, in the past, everything was more true-to-life - things, relationships, sincerity and a lot more. It’s like a lost world that’s still preserved in the memory of adults – those who had a happy childhood and youth without the Internet and mobile phones…

I adore old movies – such movies are not made anymore, you know that. And music of the 80s, 90s is different. Such music won’t be composed anymore. In my photos, I’m trying to take viewers back to that epoch. And I do hope you like it, my friends…








© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2025。
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