A Delicate Boundary微妙的边界
To me, nude art photography is always attractive. Art erotica pursues no other goal than emphasizing the mystery of a naked body.
At the same time, nude art is the most ambiguous genre of art photography. When taking such photos, it’s tough not to cross the boundary between erotica and vulgarity, as there’s no clear distinction between them. Therefore, this boundary is very frequently reflected at the level of perception.
For instance, a photo of a lady wearing underwear or a swimsuit may look more vulgar than a photo of the same lady with her clothes off. Such perception differences may depend on numerous factors: pose, angle, model’s emotions, filming character, and plot. Of course, I see, feel, and stick to this boundary.
Moreover, through my works, I try to communicate an idea that is much deeper than mere erotica. I use my photo works to say that woman is a Mother, Goddess, Muse, Inspiration, the source of life, and something that makes our planet rotate. I’m delighted to have learned to see this in women, skillfully show it in my photo works, and share it with the world.
所有权利归 D.I. Dubnitskiy(笔名 David Dubnitskiy)所有,包括图形内容(照片、视频、插图)、情节/故事、单一文本材料、音频文件/音频内容、相关程序代码,这些内容用于或正在用于移动应用程序“NYMF”及其所有原始更改、补充、修改,还包括服务 https://dubnitskiy.com、https://nymf.com。