Photography Tutorials摄影教程
“I spent a lot of time on becoming an expert in my field. In my tutorials, I gladly share with you my experience so that I can help each one of you improve.”
All those who wish to learn the art of photography can benefit from David Dubnitskiy's tutorials available in NYMF. It's a great start to begin your photography journey or to check out your skills.
In these articles, you'll find author's tips, workshops and life hacks. You'll learn where to get inspiration for a photoshoot, how to efficiently find and choose an appropriate model, how to choose a photoshoot location, how to create a proper environment for extraordinary photoshoot places. Besides, you'll learn a lot about dealing with light, photo processing and promotion on social media.
You can easily apply photographer's recommendations and create your own art project.
所有希望学习摄影艺术的人都可以从 NYMF 提供的 David Dubnitskiy 教程中受益。这是开始您的摄影之旅或检验您的技能的良好开端。
所有权利归 D.I. Dubnitskiy(笔名 David Dubnitskiy)所有,包括图形内容(照片、视频、插图)、情节/故事、单一文本材料、音频文件/音频内容、相关程序代码,这些内容用于或正在用于移动应用程序“NYMF”及其所有原始更改、补充、修改,还包括服务 https://dubnitskiy.com、https://nymf.com。