Behind the Scenes幕后花絮
You have an opportunity to not only view photos, but take a step closer to the author's works and look at the entire filming process from the outside. NYMF contains the Inspiration section, where you can access Backstages – the only place where you can watch the author at work, look at beautiful models and locations.
Backstage is a sort of a concentration of the best film set moments – before and after filming.
Besides, backstage is all about the details. If you’re attentive enough, you can notice that backstage explains the very process of filming, its technique, how much effort it requires, how many shots have been taken. It can perfectly reveal genuine emotions behind filming and convey the mood.
你不仅有机会观看照片,还能更接近作者的作品,从外部观看整个拍摄过程。 NYMF 包含“灵感”部分,您可以在其中访问后台——这是您可以观看作者工作、查看美丽模型和地点的唯一地方。
所有权利归 D.I. Dubnitskiy(笔名 David Dubnitskiy)所有,包括图形内容(照片、视频、插图)、情节/故事、单一文本材料、音频文件/音频内容、相关程序代码,这些内容用于或正在用于移动应用程序“NYMF”及其所有原始更改、补充、修改,还包括服务 https://dubnitskiy.com、https://nymf.com。