How to properly photograph the sunset夕焼けを上手に撮影する方法
The landscape, especially the sunset, is one of those stories from which many photographers made and made their first steps in photography. In principle, it is not difficult to explain this – nature draws a beautiful picture, and the photographer's task – is just to press the button, and the photo, it seems, should be interesting automatically. What is the difficulty of shooting it sunset?
Sunset equipment
The first difficulty is, foremost, that sunset requires an excellent dynamic range at your camera. It is necessary to work both light sky and dark ground. Unfortunately, this can boast only mirror cameras and the latest models of mirrorless system cameras, and even that is not all. But even on a full-length apparatus (it is believed that they have a maximum dynamic range), it is complicated to achieve simultaneous quality development of the sky and the ground when shooting the sunset.
During the shooting of the sunset very often occurs such a phenomenon as the flow of charge from "illuminated" pixels to neighboring. The result is the "growth" of the sun in size and the appearance of a colored edge around it. This phenomenon is called Bluming.
Camera setup when shooting sunset
In principle, the general principles of exposition do not differ from the usual in landscape shooting: in what mode to photograph, how to put the exposure, the diaphragm, and the sensitivity of ISO when shooting a sunset – quite a frequent question asked by novice photo amateurs. I will try to answer them.
Photograph the sunset better in iris priority mode (AV, A). There are several reasons. The most important thing – each lens has a specific range of diaphragm values on which it gives the best picture quality; as a rule, it is f/5.6-11.
Measurement of the exposition
The thing is that we have to shoot the sunset against the sun. As a result, the built-in exhibitor camera can let you down. The secret is to avoid directing the camera to the sun and taking the exposure readings slightly above the solar disk. Direct the camera lens to this point (just ensure you can't see the sun in the viewfinder) and press the shutter release button by half. As a result, the camera will choose the ideal sunset setting for the exposure and diaphragm.
Photo Processing
If you have to photograph the sunset, then be prepared that the photos taken will require additional processing. After all, it is not always possible to provide ideal shooting conditions and choose the proper settings for the camera. It is often necessary to adjust the images to improve their quality.
But with the rest of the subtleties, you will deal with, already practicing in the shooting. If you want to learn how to photograph the sunset, be bold and use various camera settings, and choose non-standard frame layouts and focal distances. Thus, to photograph the sunset correctly, more than knowledge of the basic rules of landscape photography is needed, and the ability to experiment and obey the barely noticeable changes in nature is necessary. This is the main guarantee of successful photos and a good mood from work.
風景、特に夕日は、多くの写真家が写真の第一歩を踏み出した物語の 1 つです。原則として、これを説明するのは難しくありません - 自然は美しい絵を描きます、そして写真家の仕事は - ボタンを押すだけで、写真は自動的に興味深いものになるはずです。夕日を撮影する難しさは何ですか?
最初の難点は、何よりも日没にはカメラに優れたダイナミック レンジが必要であるということです。明るい空と暗い地面の両方に取り組む必要があります。残念ながら、これが誇れるのはミラーカメラと最新モデルのミラーレスシステムカメラだけであり、それだけではありません。しかし、フルレングスの装置(ダイナミックレンジが最大であると考えられている)であっても、夕日の撮影時に空と地面を同時に高品質に現像するのは複雑です。
基本的に、露出の一般原則は風景撮影の場合と変わりません。どのモードで撮影するか、露出をどのように設定するか、夕日を撮影するときの絞り、ISO 感度は、初心者からよく聞かれる質問です。写真の素人。それらに答えてみます。
重要なのは、夕日を太陽に向かって撮影する必要があるということです。その結果、内蔵の出展者用カメラでは失望する可能性があります。秘密は、カメラを太陽に向けて、太陽円盤の少し上で露出の読み取り値を取得することを避けることです。カメラのレンズをこの点に向けて(ファインダー内に太陽が見えないことを確認してください)、シャッター ボタンを半押しします。その結果、カメラは露出と絞りに関して理想的な日没設定を選択します。
しかし、残りの微妙な点については、すでに射撃で練習しているので、対処できます。夕日の写真の撮り方を学びたい場合は、大胆にさまざまなカメラ設定を使用し、標準以外のフレーム レイアウトと焦点距離を選択してください。したがって、夕日を正しく撮影するには、風景写真の基本的なルールの知識以上に、自然のほとんど目に見えない変化を実験して従う能力が必要です。これは、写真が成功し、仕事から良い気分になる主な保証です。
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