Echoes of Eternity

Echoes of Eternity
Echoes of Eternity

Although thousands of years have passed since then, and mankind has changed the world beyond recognition, Anastasia realized that these ancient truths remain relevant today. Nature continues to give her power and wisdom to those who are ready to hear it. Although the modern world is full of technology and comfort, true happiness and tranquility can only be found by experiencing unity with nature and understanding its great purpose.

Although thousands of years have passed since then, and mankind has changed the world beyond recognition, Anastasia realized that these ancient truths remain relevant today. Nature continues to give her power and wisdom to those who are ready to hear it. Although the modern world is full of technology and comfort, true happiness and tranquility can only be found by experiencing unity with nature and understanding its great purpose.


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© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2024.
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