

Once she surrendered to the burst of her desire and captured herself as a beautiful Playmate, Alina felt more and more light-hearted and playful. But her inner self told her: “How much people resemble magazines – costly, glamorous, interesting and at the same time empty. Well, you get your cover – the most beautiful cover, either glamorous or plain. What are you going to write on it? What truth is hidden behind a beautiful shape and an ideal face? What if there’s just emptiness? What’s next? You won’t throw yourself into a dustbin or leave yourself to gather dust, will you?”

Once she surrendered to the burst of her desire and captured herself as a beautiful Playmate, Alina felt more and more light-hearted and playful. But her inner self told her: “How much people resemble magazines – costly, glamorous, interesting and at the same time empty. Well, you get your cover – the most beautiful cover, either glamorous or plain. What are you going to write on it? What truth is hidden behind a beautiful shape and an ideal face? What if there’s just emptiness? What’s next? You won’t throw yourself into a dustbin or leave yourself to gather dust, will you?”


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© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2024.
All rights for the whole and/or partial: graphic content (photos, videos, illustrations), plots/stories, single text materials, audio files/audio content, corresponding program code, that were used and/or are being used in the mobile application "NYMF" and/or all its original changes, additions, modifications and also on services, are the result of individual creativity and belong to D.I. Dubnitskiy (under the pen name of David Dubnitskiy).
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