Tall Muse高大的缪斯
Photo shoots can be planned, or they can be completely spontaneous. This story is about the second case. I was traveling through Lviv and decided to stay in a hotel for just one day. I had time and inspiration, so I found a model from Lviv on Twitter and offered her a shoot. She responded almost instantly and agreed right away. Already in a couple of hours we met at my hotel room.
My height is 173 cm, and I'm used to models who are either shorter than me or about the same height. But when this girl walked into the room, I looked up with a smile — she appeared to be considerably taller than me. It was an unusual detail, but when she took off her clothes, I noticed not only her tall stature, but also her stunning figure.
The tattoos and piercings that adorned her skin added an extraordinary charisma. I usually work with models with a different style, but on her these elements looked so organic that they only enhanced the effect.
Despite the fact that we were complete strangers, the girl felt absolutely comfortable, posed confidently and with ease. The shoot was surprisingly quick and enjoyable, leaving behind 20 amazing shots that I am really proud of. Sometimes the most unexpected moments produce the most amazing results.
我的身高是 173 厘米,我习惯了比我矮或身高差不多的模特。但当这个女孩走进房间时,我微笑着抬起头——她看起来比我高很多。这是一个不寻常的细节,但当她脱下衣服时,我不仅注意到了她高大的身材,还注意到了她迷人的身材。
尽管我们完全是陌生人,但女孩却感觉非常自在,摆出自信而轻松的姿势。拍摄过程出奇地快速而愉快,留下了 20 张令我感到非常自豪的精彩照片。有时最意想不到的时刻会产生最惊人的效果。
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