Broken Car破车
Summer, heat, somewhere in a field, far from any locality, an old Soviet car broke down. The girl, who was driving, suffers from the summer heat, hiding under the raised trunk (it's so hot in the cabin). The girl wears a hat made of newspaper. She is all sweaty and wipes the sweat from her face with the T-shirt, like many of us on a hot day when no one sees her. The car is a perfect representation of the 1970s.
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Choice of color
The primary colors in the frame are cyan (the car), pale blue (the sky on a sunny summer day), and greenish-yellow (the corn fields). The chocolate body of the girl stands out very effectively in the background of the blue car. Despite the presence of cold colors in the frame (light blue, cyan) – the photo represents a hot summer day.
The ZAZ was the cheapest car in the USSR, and it was mainly used by farmers. The girl's image is from the common folk. Following this role, the clothes were chosen to be simple, summer, and comfortable. A skirt and a T-shirt made of natural cotton textiles. In Soviet times, there was a significant shortage of summer hats, and very often, hats that were saved from the sun were made from ordinary newspapers. Absolutely the same hat from the newspaper on the head of the model. I chose a blue skirt to match the car's color palette and the sky. The shirt is light beige, slightly dirty.
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Hair and make-up
Women in the countryside did not put on any make-up during the Soviet era, and hairstyles were minimal. In this case, the hair is pulled back, and there is almost no make-up, emphasizing the simplicity of the image. Bright and evening make-up as well as beautiful hairstyles, would be inappropriate in this case.
The light is natural, the day is cloudless, and the shooting takes place at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. This time was chosen because I wanted the viewer to feel the heat in the photo. Also, I needed a large shadow from the trunk lid to create shelter for the girl. I illuminated the model with a reflector, drawing with light the volume on her body and face, showing the sweat on the skin.
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Depth of field
The depth of field was chosen to focus on the girl and the car. The corn bushes are blurry but quite readable. A larger opening of the aperture (for example, up to f1.8) would cause a significant blurring of the background and all the corn bushes would merge into green mush.
Shooting angle
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Above is a part of an empty cloudless summer sky, which should be in the frame. The left and right parts of the photo are cropped to show the car. The bottom of the frame is cropped to the skirt because I wanted the viewer to feel closer to the girl. In this photo, there is no need to show the entire girl with legs. If the whole model were in the frame, it would be difficult to see the face, sweat on the skin, beautiful breasts, and other details.
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Post Processing
The post-processing was chosen to emphasize the vintage (70s), the saturation and brightness of the greens were reduced, and the whole photo looks like it was shot on film. This way of processing corresponds to my author's style and highlights the atmosphere of the frame.
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夏天,炎热,在远离任何地方的田野里,一辆旧苏联汽车抛锚了。开车的女孩因为夏天的炎热,躲在高高的后备箱下面(机舱里太热了)。这个女孩戴着一顶报纸做的帽子。她浑身是汗,用T恤擦去脸上的汗水,就像我们很多人在大热天没人看见她的时候一样。这辆车是 20 世纪 70 年代的完美代表。
通过高级订阅观看完整版,了解 David 拍摄这张照片的灵感来源。
ZAZ是苏联最便宜的汽车,主要供农民使用。女孩的形象来自民间。遵循这个角色,衣服选择简单、夏季、舒适。由天然棉纺织品制成的裙子和 T 恤。在苏联时期,夏季帽子严重短缺,而且很多时候,防晒的帽子都是用普通报纸制成的。模特头上戴的帽子和报纸上的一模一样。我选择了一条蓝色裙子来匹配汽车的调色板和天空。衬衫是浅米色的,有点脏。
选择景深来关注女孩和汽车。玉米丛模糊但清晰可辨。光圈开得更大(例如,达到 f1.8)会导致背景明显模糊,所有玉米灌木丛都会融合成绿色的糊状。
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