Love Story爱情故事

One evening, I had a dream like a dive into the depths of the sea. The vast blue waves spread out before me, velvety and caressing, as if inviting me into their secret world. Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, suddenly emerged from the foam of the sea like a magic portal. She embodied tenderness and femininity, shining with beauty that poured from within. Next to her stood Eros, infinitely young and playful, with a bow and arrows ready to strike the hearts of lovers. His arrows carried the magic of love that could bind the hearts of two souls strongly attracted to each other. Together with them on this unearthly shore gathered the nymphs, the inhabitants of the sea, with their blonde hair and incredible beauty.
Read the whole story in descriptions below the photos.
一天晚上,我做了一个梦,好像潜入了大海深处。浩瀚的蓝色波浪在我面前展开,柔软而爱抚,仿佛邀请我进入它们的秘密世界。爱神阿佛洛狄忒突然从大海的泡沫中出现,就像一个神奇的门户。她体现了温柔和女性气质,闪耀着从内而外涌出的美丽。她旁边站着厄洛斯,无限年轻、顽皮,手里拿着弓箭,准备射中恋人的心。他的箭带有爱情的魔力,可以将两个彼此强烈吸引的灵魂的心束缚在一起。与他们一起聚集在这片神秘海岸上的还有拥有金发和令人难以置信的美丽的海洋居民——仙女们。 阅读照片下方说明中的整个故事。
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