Cozy Bathhouse. Part 1Rahat Hamam
Why did I choose to shoot in this particular room? Although it's not a steam room, because it has a window, and it's more or less spacious. And the steam room itself, I looked into it, it is minimal, it is impossible to turn around, and there is no possibility to shoot there, designed for only two people, and the whole area is probably two square meters. That's why we will shoot here. Of course, it is essential before the photo shoot to think about what will happen during the photo shoot. Because, as I have said many times, a set of naked bodies is mauvais, it's not interesting, it's boring, even if it's cute. We need to show some kind of plot, some kind of little story. Photos should be aesthetically pleasing, they should be beautiful. Therefore, in advance, you can look for paintings, girls in the bath, some interesting photos, some interesting paintings, drawings, prepare and approximately understand how the model will pose, and from which side you will shoot it. She may be wearing some elements of clothing.
Why did I choose to shoot in this particular room? Although it's not a steam room, because it has a window, and it's more or less spacious. And the steam room itself, I looked into it, it is minimal, it is impossible to turn around, and there is no possibility to shoot there, designed for only two people, and the whole area is probably two square meters. That's why we will shoot here. Of course, it is essential before the photo shoot to think about what will happen during the photo shoot. Because, as I have said many times, a set of naked bodies is mauvais, it's not interesting, it's boring, even if it's cute. We need to show some kind of plot, some kind of little story. Photos should be aesthetically pleasing, they should be beautiful. Therefore, in advance, you can look for paintings, girls in the bath, some interesting photos, some interesting paintings, drawings, prepare and approximately understand how the model will pose, and from which side you will shoot it. She may be wearing some elements of clothing.
Tüm hakları tamamen ve/veya kısmen: grafik içerik (fotoğraflar, videolar, illüstrasyonlar), senaryolar/hikayeler, tekil metin materyalleri, ses dosyaları/ses içerikleri, kullanılan ve/veya kullanılmakta olan ilgili program kodu, mobil uygulama "NYMF" ve/veya tüm orijinal değişiklikleri, eklemeleri, değişiklikleri ve ayrıca https://dubnitskiy.com, https://nymf.com hizmetlerinde bireysel yaratıcılığın bir sonucu olarak David Dubnitskiy takma adı altında D.I. Dubnitskiy’e aittir.
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