Unexpected Twist

Unexpected Twist

The Botanical Garden Gallery was rented for a photo shoot for two hours, promising to be the perfect place to realize creative ideas. The model left her clothes downstairs, and went up to the second tier with the photographer to capture unique shots surrounded by lush greenery and flowers. At first, everything went according to plan: the soft light reflecting off the glass walls created a magical atmosphere, and the model, in her natural beauty, was ready for the shoot. Finally getting to work, suddenly the doors of the gallery opened, and...

Unexpected Twist

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© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2025.
Tüm hakları tamamen ve/veya kısmen: grafik içerik (fotoğraflar, videolar, illüstrasyonlar), senaryolar/hikayeler, tekil metin materyalleri, ses dosyaları/ses içerikleri, kullanılan ve/veya kullanılmakta olan ilgili program kodu, mobil uygulama "NYMF" ve/veya tüm orijinal değişiklikleri, eklemeleri, değişiklikleri ve ayrıca https://dubnitskiy.com, https://nymf.com hizmetlerinde bireysel yaratıcılığın bir sonucu olarak David Dubnitskiy takma adı altında D.I. Dubnitskiy’e aittir.
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