Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve

Fairy tale begins
Fairy tale begins

How Christmas bustle is wonderful. A holiday spent in the company of the eastern beauty – Lolita, will give you even more incredible feelings. You are waiting for a complete immersion in the magic atmosphere of love. First, Lola will decorate the festive Christmas tree, make flavorful mulled wine, and then pick up the most attractive lingerie set to spend this long-awaited evening with only you. Join her, feel these emotions, and do not forget that all the innermost dreams this evening will come true. How to wait for this moment...

How Christmas bustle is wonderful. A holiday spent in the company of the eastern beauty – Lolita, will give you even more incredible feelings. You are waiting for a complete immersion in the magic atmosphere of love. First, Lola will decorate the festive Christmas tree, make flavorful mulled wine, and then pick up the most attractive lingerie set to spend this long-awaited evening with only you. Join her, feel these emotions, and do not forget that all the innermost dreams this evening will come true. How to wait for this moment...

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MP4 · 1.97 GB · 26:31 · 30 videos
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
AAC · 320 kbps · 48 kHz · Stereo
1920×1080 · Landscape
Christmas Eve
© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2024.
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