

I’m sorting my memories like precious grains. Each one resonates in me: we were fooling around like children, pushing each other into the snow, I threw your hat into a snowdrift… Then spring arrived and brought its mind-blowing fragrances, our first kiss, the touch of your hand, your timid voice and warm breathing near my ear. I remember us lying down and watching the stars, seeing the first falling star and hearing your first confession… I cherish each of them in my mind.

I’m sorting my memories like precious grains. Each one resonates in me: we were fooling around like children, pushing each other into the snow, I threw your hat into a snowdrift… Then spring arrived and brought its mind-blowing fragrances, our first kiss, the touch of your hand, your timid voice and warm breathing near my ear. I remember us lying down and watching the stars, seeing the first falling star and hearing your first confession… I cherish each of them in my mind.


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© David Dubnitskiy 2010–2024.
All rights for the whole and/or partial: graphic content (photos, videos, illustrations), plots/stories, single text materials, audio files/audio content, corresponding program code, that were used and/or are being used in the mobile application "NYMF" and/or all its original changes, additions, modifications and also on services, are the result of individual creativity and belong to D.I. Dubnitskiy (under the pen name of David Dubnitskiy).
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